Repentance Prayer
Prayer of Repentance
God, I take this precious moment to pray to You to give me the wisdom and knowledge that I may know You more each day and also sprout in my heart the desire to serve You in truth and love. (Proverbs 9:10)
God, I pray also for giving me the courage, patience and perseverance (PPC). You follow the true path that will lead me to eternal life. (John 14.6)
Lord Jesus, I know that you are the Lamb of God, sacrificed to remove the sins of the world and through Your blood, merit shed on the cross of Golgotha, can I get right now, the forgiveness of my sins and qualify to eat the fruit of the tree of life in Thy heaven to live forever. Apocalypse (Revelation) 2.7.
Author, developer, Donald G. Plourde